

Chapter 13

I called Sam and Mia telling them to meet me at my work place during the break if they're free, so here I am patiently waiting for them to arrive since I told them I will be waiting for them at the coffee shop opposite the office. I have been waiting for them to arrive since but they have not. I was playing a game on my phone and checking the time at the same time before the break was over. Busy with the game that I am playing I didn't know when they arrived until Sam collected the phone from my hand, which I raise my head and see them both standing "Hey guys"

"Hi Lilly. We're sorry we're late, traffic" Sam said

"It's okay, just arrived not quite long. Let order for something am hungry" with that I called the waiter, tell him what we want before we started discussing

"So babe, what's up" Mia said

"Well, have come to a conclusion about Mrs Charlie offer"

"Alright then what's your conclusion?" Mia asked

"I think I will go and stay with her for the time being,then after I settle all the dept I will leave" I said waiting for their response

"It's okay with us if that's what you want, we have no problem with it. It's just that we want the best for you but if you think you will be comfortable staying with them then fine by us feel free to go"

"Thank you guys" I said happily at least they understand

"But hope we will be allowed to visit you and if not, then you're going nowhere" Mia said in a serious tone which I smiled

"I don't know, but don't worry I don't think that will be a problem because she knows I have friends which I will visit and they will visit me. So I will tell her"

"Good. When did you plan on moving there?" Sam asked

"I can't really say"

"Whenever you're ready let us know to help you pack your belongings"

"Have not decided on when to leave yet, because have not inform her, wanted telling you both first before I inform her, so whenever am going I will definitely let you guys know"

"That thoughtful of you. Try to inform her so you will get to know when to leave and inform us so we get prepared before then"

"Okay i will do that later, she might be busy by now or in the meeting"

"It's okay. let's get going since the break is over" Sam said as we all walked out of the coffee shop escorting me back to my work place before leaving. I hurriedly walk in and continue with my work since I still have some unfinished designs to make. Through with everything I arranged the desk before leaving since it's a rule in the office that you have to make sure your desk is well arranged before going home

I didn't call Mrs Vivian till the next morning

"Hello, good morning ma'am" I greeted her

"Morning Lilly. I just hoped you have concluded because it's unlike you to call me this early morning unless you have something to discuss with me" Mrs Charlie said from the other side

"Yes,ma'am I have"

"That's good to hear. So when did you plan on moving in?. I can send my chauffeur right away or whenever you're ready"

"No ma'am am not. Maybe tomorrow since u haven't arrange my things yet"

"It's okay dear, will send him over tomorrow then, call me when you're through"


"Bye take care I have to go now" well this was easier and faster than I thought.

Seating on my desk checking out the designs have created so far when my phone vibrated. I pick the phone to check who the caller is but it's an unknown number which i didn't bother to pick up the call and drop the phone continue with what I'm doing, I don't like picking unknown numbers just like that. The phone rings for more than three times before I pick it up on the fourth ring, I think the caller is persistent . I pick the call but didn't say a word until the caller speak up

"hello Lilly" the person says from the other side of the phone

"Hi" I said not in the mood to talk

"I'm sorry for the inconveniences, it's Kelvin" he said

"Oh! Kelvin. Sorry I didn't know you were the one"

"It's okay. I know it's because you don't have my number that's why you're not picking up"

"Yeah, sorry for that"

"Alright, how are you?"

"I'm fine and you?"

"Fine also, just call to check on you and say hi"

"Oh thank you, that is so thoughtful of you. I appreciate the greetings"

"Alright bye will call you some other times again"

"Bye" with that I ended the call and I picked my bag and left, because I wanted to go home on time and start arranging my clothes. I called Sam and Mia on my way home to inform them that I will be leaving tomorrow. So they could come over and assist me with the packaging before my night shift

Immediately I arrived at home they both arrived even before I dropped my bag

"Hey gal"

"Hi best"

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Mia asked, still not believing it, "don't you think it's too early to move in with them?" Mia asked for the second time

"I don't think so"

"Well I'm going to miss you so badly that why I keep saying it's too early" Mia confess

"I know I'm not staying there forever and moreover you can come over anytime you want too" I said even though have not talked about that with Mrs Vivian but I know she will agree

"Humm, it's true but you know the distance is a little bit far then here and we can't have the same freedom we have whenever we're here" Sam chipped in

"Oh gosh! Who says that, you're always free and welcome to come whenever you want"

"I can't barge in on you early in the morning the way I use to, you know"

"I understand but, it's just for some month and before you know it's over"

"Yes and I will miss picking you up for work,but will get to see you at the fashion design. So I think that's cool, since I will get to see you at your workplace almost every day" which I smiled at him

"Yeah you will, let's get down to business I have to go for my night shift"

"Yeah we know, let's work before you get exhausted" with that they helped me pack my things, throwing clothes at one another for fun and also gisting along the work. We finish on time since we were fast and rest for a while before it's time for work which Sam volunteer to drop me off

"Thank you guys" I said hugging them both

"You're welcome. Call us tomorrow before you leaving" Mia said

"I will, bye" and they left. I didn't move an inch from where I was standing until I couldn't see the car view any longer. I walked in after some minutes of standing outside but came face to face with the boss

"And what the hell happened yesterday?" He said, ''I just keep quiet, staring at him because I know he's talking about the reason why I left early. "I'm not talking to you or are you deaf?" He shouted" and who gave you the permission to leave without finishing your work?" He asked which I know what he wants to hear from me is sorry

"I'm sorry" I said because I know that's what he wants to hear

"If all of you are always saying sorry, then is it I'm sorry that will serve the customers or me?"

"Such thing won't happen again I promised"

"It's better not, and I can see you're tired of working here, which is not compulsory or mandatory for you. You can quit, no one is stopping you from quitting. I just hope such thing won't repeat itself again, if not just don't bother coming to work the next day"

"Yes, sir" he left after shouting and nagging while I walked inside to start my work. Busy with my work attending to the customers from different angles, I tried my best not to attend to the customers and not over-stressed myself before the time. I keep taking orders from different tables when I see him sitting down all alone, his table empty. I quickly drop the order for table eleven and walk to his table

"Good day sir, which drink should I serve you?" I asked happy to see him after our last encounter

"Just get me a bottle of whiskey. And I want the best and strongest one please. Thank you" he said, which I couldn't help looking at him because he doesn't look like someone that will drink something as strong as that. I used to wonder why all these wealthy folks have much problems but pretends to the media and world like they're doing fine just as they appear on television and magazine

I walked back to the counter to get his order which I came back shortly after with the whisky on a tray. I served him before going back to my position. Busy attending to the other customers when the man on table twelve ordered for another drink which I quickly went to serve him since he requested for it but to me he looked drunk that he won't be able to driver himself back home

After serving him his drink about to leave when he grabbed me by hand and drew me closer to him before putting me on his lap which made me feel uncomfortable. He continued looking at my face while our faces were just an inch away from each other. I could feel his breath on my face. But before I could shift and get up from his lap he did the unexpected by merging our lips together. He kisses me roughly yet so passionately because his lips are so soft as cotton and taste just like a strawberry. I couldn't get enough of him so I crossed my leg over facing him completely to gain more access to feel the softness of his lips. I enjoyed kissing him so much that I had to open my mouth more widely to give him more access to my tongue. I missed him so badly that ever since he touched me I haven't gotten the person that will quench what I feel for him . I enjoyed what's happening that i almost forget where I was until I recalled and pushed him away getting off his lap adjusting my clothes while he's busy staring at me like a baby

"I'm sorry but I have to go" I said leaving hurriedly hitting myself on the head thinking what have gotten into me that i'm misbehaving in my working place which is going to land me in another trouble because if the boss sees me that will be end of me but just because of ordinary crush I have on someone I'm trying to ruin my source of income

I sat down at the counter trying to attend to the customers but I don't think I can because I'm busy thinking about what just happened a little while ago which got me smiling and blushing to myself. It's just like a dream come true. I wish I could get more than that but I don't think it's possible since he's drunk and it's my work place at the same time. If I try anything funny I will be fired because it's against the rules of the bar. When i checked the time and saw that it's break time I quietly and quickly walked to the back yard to get my senses straight