Like Fire and Powder

Josiah had fainted, and a warmage that had been hiding apparently thought he was going to be a snake in the grass. He came running in with his sword raised high, poised to strike downward. He was about two steps away when an ice spike was jabbed under his chin and through the top of his skull. 

Hevlauna shoved the dead warmage onto his back and slung the blood off of her hand. Impyranon had witnessed this grotesque attack and began to laugh. 

"You are the perfect avatar for Ocaui! So brutal! I love it! Oh ugh gah..." Impyranon began to cheer before his fiery body began to dissipate. 

"Good thing you decided to shut that idiot up. I was ready to cool his fuckery down." Hevlauna shrugged before smiling big. 

"Good ole' Hev... I'm gone for a couple of months and you all let the whole village go to shit." I grinned playfully. 

"Ugh... And here I was about to tell you I was glad you are back." Hevlauna said rolling her eyes.