Which As They Kiss, Consume

Sehaela then let out a groan of confusion and sickness. It was concerning, but we didn't get the chance to assess her situation. 

She let out a howl, and then she burst into a massive gust of wind that blew us all in different directions. The winds pushed all the debris away and swept into the trees. Eventually all of the winds came back into a massive swirl in the center. We could tell the winds' form because it carried within it a plethora of different leaves from the trees it had blown in. 

The leaves and small amount of flower petals swirled upwards. Slowly but steadily, the winds formed into the same figure that had appeared before when Zaatri had awakened to her element. 

The royal queen looking wind titan, Danuri, was now before us once again, but something startling had changed about her. An adult like version of Zaatri's facial features now were worn on Danuri's face.