Chapter 44: Return of Moonlight

Damon couldn’t process what he was seeing. Just on the other side of the door, his father was approaching with Ambrose, the two boys Damon had met in the woods, and a few others. He silently cursed himself. He should’ve listened to the gut feeling he had when he last saw them; the way they looked at him, as if they didn’t entirely buy what he was saying…he knew then and there that they didn’t trust his word. But at that moment in time, he didn’t care—all he was focused on was finding Adelaide before anyone else did.

F*ck. How could he be so careless as to lead them here? Now not only were Adelaide and the members of the Royal Shift in danger, but he also had to worry about his father and the rest of the members of Moonlight pack.

Damon reached for the door handle when a hand stopped him.

“What’re you doing?” Adelaide asked, looking at him with wide eyes.

“I need to go out there.”

“Are you crazy? We don’t know them—this could be a trap.”