Chapter 31: A Slight Distraction

Several minutes later, Vix stumbled out of the alcove and back into the tangled streets of the Dry Works. Her head was spinning with disbelief. Slowly, a smile spread across her face.

‘I did it!’

“Caine,” she said. “I’ve found us a lead! There’s a man just a few minutes’ walk from here that may just know something! Tala, that’s the old woman who I was just talking to...”

She was so excited, she tripped over her own tongue several times trying to get the words out. Vix let out a laugh and gave up trying to explain.

“Never mind! Just come with me, and we’ll find this...” Vix trailed off. She only now realized that Caine was nowhere in sight. A few people nearby were staring at her, watching her talk to herself.

One tall man leaned over to his friend and surreptitiously twirled his finger beside his ear, grinning. The other chortled in agreement.