Chapter 107: Moment to Moment

“So you really haven’t done any scheming?” Luke asked, narrowing his eyes.

They were standing backstage at the Moment to Moment set. Hallie was outwardly prepared, hair and makeup done, but her nerves were as jumpy as a horse with a burr under its saddle.

“I told you I wouldn’t,” she said. Now she was slightly regretting it.

She felt a cold sweat breaking out all over her face from the thought of being seen on Sarkadian TV with Raphaela probably accusing her of all sorts of things.

It was time, and the assistant waved her onto the set while Luke gave her an encouraging though slightly mischievous smile.

“Welcome,” Barbara Schmar said. The show’s hostess wore her usual style of colorful pant suit as she stood beside the two armchairs where Hallie and Raphaela were supposed to sit.

Hallie came in, dazzled by the studio lights. The audience gave her a great cheer, much more enthusiastic than she expected. This boosted her confidence, and she smiled back.