Chapter 107

I had intended to take Gus to visit the temple at least once a week on a sort of 'worship on the Sabbath' sort of idea. Hey, what better way to make a hero than drilling morals into his head? Don't answer that.

But, with me turning into a Mummy, random weather swings, blah blah blah, it had been almost a month since we had gone, and I was determined to make it this time, if for nothing else than to ask Nehcor why he had to program his hero to pressure me into becoming a cougar--forget that I'd already asked that question several times before and gotten the same answer. The divinity of my brother kept getting called into question.

"Religious nutrient time," I said as I ushered him from the barracks. His fellow apprentices watched on as though I was doing an elaborate song and dance while pulling him along.