I closed my eyes as he fingered through my thoughts, delicately, as though they were made of thin, thin glass. He followed the train of thought to the memories. It reminded me of how, with memories, if the mind didn't bring up the memories from long-term storage itself, the mind magician had to give up their own memories in return for the others; a sort of two way street. It made me want to offer them all so that I could see Gus's in turn.
His hand gave mine a squeeze.
"We can do that," he said gently. "But if we do that, neither of us will get any sleep, and Roman's going to be out for my blood first thing in the morning."
I heard his voice through the ruffling of magic through my thoughts, giving me an odd sense of vertigo as he backed out to allow me awareness of my surroundings again.
"I'm surprised he didn't come with you," I said.
He smirked. "I may or may not have mentioned you in my report."
"...couldn't you get, I don't know, seriously punished for that?"