Chapter Six:

She didn't bug him with questions like the other women. Just simple and quiet. Waiting for instructions or his questions. That made it easier. Easier for him to discard her.

Ouch! The sharp pain again. This time it was pricking. He felt like his head would fall off. He hid his face in-between his palms and waited for it to subside.

"Are you okay?" She spoke in a very gentle and almost inaudible voice for the first time.

That question made Nicholas's heart sink. Sinking for a lot of reasons. None of the other women cared to ask him about himself. They only kept going on about themselves and how to convince him to like them. She on the other hand, just asked about his welfare.

"I am fine. Just tired," he answered sharply. "Do you know me?" He asked changing the subject.

"No." She answered with a shift in her eyes. Was she lying to him or being truthful. It was hard for him to read her because he couldn't concentrate.

"Why are you here?"

"The fiesta."

Snickering, "didn't you read the criteria? You fit nowhere on the list and yet you still decided to come?"

"Never give up a fight before you start it."


Raising his head to meet her gaze, he almost passed out. The pain was unbearable and the bright light from everywhere pierced his eyes making them hurt badly.

He had to immediately close his eyes, bent his head to get a little relaxation. But, that didn't help. His system became weak. Sweat trailed down his forehead and he was feeling out of breath.

He kept cool, pretending to be okay and making sure she couldn't see what was wrong with him. Pulling out his sunglasses, he put them on. That way she wouldn't see his now weak eyes and, the distracting feature he had just added will take her attention away from the crisis going on within him.

Linking both his fingers before him in front of the table, "let's keep this simple, girl. You are..." He trailed off. Change of mind, how about he does something more unusual. She was going to be his last example for the night until all the other women understood that he wasn't interested in any of them and their shenanigans. The fact that she looked like she was withering away pleased him. He couldn't wait to make a fool of her. Not that he enjoyed belittling all of them with the hopes of ensnaring him, he loved it.

Wanting to talk, the pricking pain again occurred. He slowly reached for his breast pocket. Oh, no, it wasn't there. He always moved around with his medication. There was no way on earth it could be away from him when he uses it consistently. How was he going to get through this without giving too much away?

She kept staring at him, studying him and making a face that showed that she was concerned.

Not at all. He didn't need that pity. It infuriated him the more. Who was she to step in and act like she genuinely cared? He knew why she was here. Money, power or connection. All gold diggers. All pretenders! And, it set him off.

"I'll give you an opportunity to leave and save yourself from embarrassment. This is no place for you."

"Says the man in a suit," she blurted out. She stared at him, probably wishing she could take back that outrageous comment and hoping Nicholas wasn't offended.

His brow furrowed, "I will let that slide. Only because it is a stupid mistake to not eat your tongue, little girl."

She should be thanking her stars that he was in no condition to deal with her, if not, he would have made sure she regretted walking into the place.

"Can you not think that you are high and mighty, making everyone else to be below you? Yes, I might be below your standard but I won't let you trample on my self-esteem."

"You just made the biggest mistake of your life. I hope you are ready for the consequences of your actions. You have no idea what you walked into, little girl."