Talia's POV:

Was that a threat or what? I was holding myself back from screaming into his face. He had no idea what I have been walking into all my life. We all have one snare or the other that we are fighting so hard to get free from. If he was sensible, he would never have thrown that kind of threat at me. I am not afraid of him. I am not afraid of the world. I will survive.

****(Before the date...)

After crying myself a river, I brought out the little box under my squeaky wooden bed where all my clothes fit.

Going through them, there was nothing to wear. The only decent clothing I had was my school uniform. I couldn't wear that to a place filled with people late at night.

I searched through the old faded oversized gown, t-shirt, and baggy trousers until I saw the manageable one. I dashed off to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and slipped it on. Now, I had no footwear to put on except my school sneakers. Who cares? I wore them and it was a relief that the under was still intact. But I knew that if I walk on them for a long, they would fall off. 

Looking at myself in the mirror, I scowled. My eyes became watery and I knew at that point if I didn't control it, that tears would smear my face. My hair was a mess and looked out of place.

I grabbed my brush and began brushing it until it looked fair. That didn't do. Due to a lack of conditioning, they looked sandy and too unruly. I began knotting them into two pigtails. After my handiwork, it looked better.

Heaving a heavy sigh, I went downstairs, praying in my heart for the universe to save me from the embarrassment I was about to suffer.

"Grandma, I am done," I gently told her as she was resting on the wooden bench by the side of our open window living room. She looked exhausted and it broke my heart. I would have preferred to stay back and rub her feet until she fell asleep.

"Here is the address and money for you to get a cab." She passed me a piece of paper and money without looking my way.

I bent and kissed her forehead. "I will be back shortly," I said reassuringly.

"Don't come back here until you have made Nicholas Robert somehow interested in you. If you don't succeed in doing that your existence is as good as nothing. Now leave. A busy man waits for no ugly low life."

"Yes, Grandma," I whispered, sobbing my way out of the house.

As I walked down the street, I kept my gaze fixed on the floor. Clouded with emotions and gains that I failed to look at where I was going. Suddenly, I bumped into a strong chest. Too hard that my butt landed on the floor.

"I am sorry. Are you okay?" A strong pair of hands helped me up.

"I am fine," I mumbled looking down.

"It is my fault. I should have watched where I was going."

"No, it is mine. The fault is equally mine." Stretching out his hand, "forgive my manners, I am Carl. Carl Crawford."

"Talia Jacobs." I took his hand and shook it.

"You sure you okay?"

"Yes," I smiled at him. For the first time in a thousand years, I smiled. I don't know why I was smiling but I did.

The guy that stood before me was smoking hot. His transparent eyeglasses, a white shirt tucked into grey flannel trousers, and black shoes. In his left hand, he had a briefcase. Coming back from work, I presumed. His face was so handsome and his auburn hair did justice to it. He looked healthy and muscled. Must be eating and exercising properly.

"Where are you headed? Maybe I could drop you off."

"It's fine. I'll just grab a cab."

"I insist. My car is right around the corner. I came to buy my favorite chocolate chips at that shop," he pointed at the best bakery around my neighborhood. That was the only thing that brought people around the area. The bakery was famous for its exceptional baking.

"It is fine. I have to go. I am in a hurry," I ranted, running off. Leaving him not because I had to go, but because I couldn't find enough air around him all of a sudden. He was suffocating.

"I hope to see you again!" He screamed around me.

"Hope so too," I muttered, smiling and increasing my pace.


I took a cab to one of the most expensive restaurants that I had ever seen in my life. Getting there, I wanted to turn back immediately because I was out of place. From the door down to the floor looked sophisticated.

Most of the women there started giggling as soon as they saw me. I had no choice but to push forward because I knew that grandma would be displeased and so kicking me out of the house if I didn't do this. I was practically shivering as I made my way to his table.

I stood like a monument waiting for recognition. I couldn't even find the words to say because without him looking up, the man who sat there spoke danger.

Slowly, he looked up at me with disgust plastered on his face. I couldn't blame him for his reaction because I knew that he thought was one of those girls who acted innocent only with the ulterior motive of aiming for his pocket.

Throughout our conversation, he kept acting up. Was he okay? He looked like he was going to pass out any minute. As a waiter walked past our table I waved at him, seeing so much distress the man sitting before me was in. If he didn't rest, I bet he would pass out before me. He needed to relax and get himself together.

"Hi, do you know of a hotel or somewhere with a room around here?"

Both of them gave me a questionable look. Well, I didn't mean to say it that way. What were they thinking?

"Yes, take your right across the street. There is a hotel there. But, I must warn, you can't afford it unless Mr. Robert is the one paying," he whispers that last part into my ear.

"Thank you," I said. But, there was no need for condescending.

Mr. Robert still had his head in his hand when I stood and walked to his side, grabbing his arm.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked. "Get your smelling and filthy unsanitized hands away from me.

"I am just trying to help."

"Go help your poor self!" He barked causing everyone to turn and look at me busting into laughter.

But, my mind was made up to drag him out of here one way or the other. I felt was not going to make it out of here standing upright if I left him. Why I cared, I had no idea. I just felt I was helping an egocentric and proud man who was too afraid to accept help.

"You can bark all you want but I am not letting go of you. You could either follow me out of here or I'll be dragging you out," I said boldly. Where the brave attitude came from, I had no idea. In fact, in actuality, I wanted to disappear out of embarrassment and his blazing eyes.

Before he could say any other thing, I linked my arms with his, half dragging him out of the restaurant with all eyes on us. We walked in total silence until we got to the hotel.

When I met up with the receptionist, her gaze was glued to Mr. Robert. I think at one time, she winked at him making me shake my head. Those kinds of women were the reason why people like him felt high and mighty. He paid up and moments later, we were headed to the suite. According to him, he never settles for less. Egocentric asshole.

As soon as we got to the suite, I ran him a bath and forced him to take his shower of course. The truth was, I don't know where all these brace attitudes and emotions came from. I just thought I was helping a man that needed my help.

When he was done bathing, I order room services of a light meal which he ate, all this while, not saying anything but I could tell that he was mad. Blazing mad and my actions would never go unpunished. Well, I was used to it and I was bracing myself for the worst.

After he finished eating, he began yawning and the next thing he did was doze off. He slept as if he had taken some kind of sleeping pills because he didn't even blink for a second.

When I was certain that he was deeply asleep, I slipped out and headed home giving the receptionist an instruction that Mr. Robert would not entertain disturbance of any kind.