“Oh, that is quite short. Do you mind if I ask why you are living here?” Alice asked with gritted teeth.

Elektra raised her eyebrows and looked at Alice with a complicated expression, “your beloved brother Kasper you have known for years, apparently fell for my charm, kidnapped me, and locked me in this golden cage. Isn’t that sentimental?”

Alice wanted to puke some blood out, even the butler who was eavesdropping wanted to switch off his phone and just drill himself into the ground, Kasper was watching this and Elektra was busy confessing the truth just like that.

“You………how dare you accuse brother Kasper of doing something like that? He is a gentleman and if he wants someone, he will never lie low like that!” Alice was just furious hearing someone maligning Kasper like that.

Kasper was her idol, someone she dreamt of day and night, he was her everything, so how could this ugly thing accuse her brother of something like that?

Elektra chuckled as she covered her mouth which was already hidden by the veil, “so what if I do that? It’s not like he can do anything to me anyway. I am not in the mood of playing games with you and I don’t really care whether you are siblings, childhood sweethearts, or his baby fiancée! If you want to see your man, then go ahead and go to him and stop wasting my time!”

Alice opened her mouth but failed to voice a single thing, she had never met such an overbearing person! Wasn’t she supposed to pick a fight with her and then she can play the victim card?


“Alice, if you love him that much, you may as well just strip yourself naked, send yourself to his bed and make him yours. Just don’t bother me, please,” she looked at Alice with pleading eyes before searching for the butler, “butler, can you please come here for a second?”

The butler was a bit scared, afraid that he might have been caught but luckily Elektra didn’t catch that, “entertain this guest for your Master and when he comes, please tell him that his flowers are all over and it’s a bit annoying. If I see this flower or another one while I live in this house, he shouldn’t be surprised when all he sees in the morning is an empty house!”

This threat was so bewildering, not only for the butler but for Kasper who was listening on the other side. Elektra looked at Alice with a face of disgust and left the lounge room.

Alice couldn’t believe that she had just been looked down upon like this by some wild girl from nowhere. She felt very wronged that she began crying, she had always succeeded in the past so when the butler told her politely to return, she even felt worse.

The butler couldn’t be blamed, not only was Elektra angry but Kasper was even angrier than anyone. As for the reason why Kasper was angry, he will think about it another time.

When Alice was driven out of that mansion she had entered and exited freely in the past because of a wild girl she didn’t know about until the second she saw Elektra entering the lounge, she wanted to hurt someone.

“I have never suffered such a loss like this in the past. Kasper is mine and I am not going to let that vixen or any other of the girls have him. Since Elektra you look down on me, I will let those other crazy girls deal with you. Let’s see how you are going to survive in this crazy city!” she snorted as she looked back at the magnificent and gigantic gates belonging to Kasper’s mansion.

Her distorted expression quickly returned to normal as she closed her eyes and her mind began to work overload.

Back at Gardenia Mansion, Kasper’s mansion, Elektra wasn’t sad at all, the reason was in this life, she was not going to give anyone her heart, she just didn’t have that heart to give anyone so there was no need for her to be sad that Kasper had a lot of women that want him.

He was a rich and handsome man so it was normal, but since the second he decided to take her as his then he should not even entertain anyone or another girl.

Elektra was not a forgiving person in any lifetime, so if a man disrespected her, have another woman behind her back if she is in a good mood, she will dump him and leave but if she wasn’t, she will bury the two lovers together so that they may be together in the next lifetimes.

Pushing aside Alice and her tactics, Elektra went to her study to start her storytelling. She had posted an announcement on her IONIQ account that she will be live later that evening and tagged that group so that they may see it.

After setting the cameras, she was now streaming live, “it’s a beautiful evening and suitable for a beautiful story. Today I will start narrating a story about…………”


Kasper was not in a good mood especially after listening to Elektra’s indifference and lack of concern. After everything he had done for her, she was still treating him as if he didn’t matter.

What was he supposed to do to make her see how he truly feels for her? he knew that if he uses force, then he will lose her forever. Elektra was different from the other girls he had seen.

Force might work on other people but he had this feeling that unless Elektra allows it, he won’t be capable of doing anything to her or her people. After hearing the reports on Barry, he began to look deeper but still found nothing.

There was more to Elektra and her people than what she was letting on but even though it was like that, he was someone who still wanted to be with her even if it was just for an extra day.

Since she had given him an ultimatum, he guessed that it was time to let his mother know that he was serious about Elektra otherwise the little girl will really disappear from his life.

And if that were to happen, won't his life have no meaning then?

Since his mother was holding a tea banquet, it was time for him to make his presence known and reject all of them ruthlessly. Maybe it will be good if he were to take another step further and make Elektra feel secure.

Now that he looks back, it seems that he had never officially confessed his feelings for Elektra. It was time for him to do that and the sooner the better.