Chapter forty

A week later, 

I think I have gone through all the stages of grief because of just one child.

The first is denial, time and time again I woke up halfway into the night because of her cries telling myself it was all a bad dream. I didn't have a baby. I never took someone's baby or agreed to help someone hold her baby.

But the cries keep getting louder.

And sooner than later It was brought to reality I indeed had a child with me in my house.

The second is anger, in all honesty, if not for the moon goddess at some point I would have thrown the baby out through the window. 

I got triggered by a cartoon we were watching together once. I think Mowgli was the name.

It's like the cartoon reads my mind.

With so many thoughts, I opened the fridge staring at the empty feeding bottles.

I lost my train of thought at some point and forgot what I was doing in the kitchen.