Chapter 46: Brave or Crazy

I researched as much as I could before falling asleep, but it still made no sense considering the duration and severity of his condition. I knew the blessing would alter how he responded to illness, but the extent to which it did was still entirely foreign to me. After class let out, I made a rush out of the city hoping to touch base with Leigha before my scheduled meeting with the alpha.

On my way there, I reached out to her via the mind link to fill her in on what I’d found so far. “Wolfsbane,” she said simply. “Sebastian always had a love for dramatics, I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“But I have no idea how to treat it.f he were human he would be dead already. I feel like I’m flying blind here,” I replied.

“At least you are flying, pup. I’ll get to work on a remedy. This is a plant we’re painfully familiar with. Stop in to see me before meeting with the alpha, that should be plenty of time.”