Changing wings shape and the type of wings

Hi. Today is such a normal day and I don't have classes to be on. Ah. I have got something to let you know. Hehe, My birthday is about to come for 2 weeks left, I am kind of looking forward to it because that is the only day I can take a rest without being bothered about my little sister and my mom. On my birthday, I don't want to be gifted anything but just a peaceful day with no scolding, forced to do work or having issues with family. But that's not the point of this chap.

Before I tell you to know how my wings' shape got changed different from the ever first chapter in which I had mentioned my wings shape and type of my wings, I want to let you know some of the signs that I have got recently because I bet that may be most of the readers who are in transition to be nonhuman prefer knowing the new symptom to read something else in order to have few motivate for wings' growth. I haven't checked my back in front of the mirror because I have been doing the challenge "Not to look at the mirror to check progress" which I saw from the Alation group for 3 days. My goal is to do the challenge for a month to see if there is anything new, as well as to help me not to be obsessed with the results. And, it does work well, pretty better than I expected. I have to write some new signs I got without looking back in front of the mirror:

+ Feeling like the skin got stretched out with force and it is stronger than before.

+ Have the pulsing feeling somewhere upper back, like at the spinal and a bit lower from the shoulder blade

+ Better sense of smell, I can smell things through the medical mask easily without needing to pull it down, but it also got more sensitive which means I may get seasonal flu more often.

+ My legs have got the greyish spots right at the roots of my hair and slowly got darker. They also got cramp more often multi time per day.

+ The upper body, especially around my neck, biceps, and shoulder has grown something like acne, but they are kind of hard, feeling like the chicken skin when I touch them.

+ Nails are a little bit sharper than normal and also became harder. I have to file my nail almost every day because they also start growing faster

+ Hard to sleep comfortably on my back at night because I feel like my back is against something is hard.

That's all.

Alright, boys. Next. Let's get to the point of this chapter as the title I have written. Yes, my wings have changed the shape. I will tell you the story: It has been half a year since I got the first dream that showed my wings clearly. In the first chapter, I had thought that I'd get the passive soaring like an eagle because I was attracted to them and I thought that having such a pair of big, broad and powerful wings like the eagle wings were cool. But in that dream, my wings were totally different. I saw me was flying with night glider wings type, I guess so because I don't know what wings type of my wings is called. I was flying peacefully across a big beautiful lake, I was enjoying the flight as if I never ever experienced it before in my life, and I flew in the daylight time. I even could hear the sound of wind blowing, the feeling on my skin, how I flew in the dream. It was so real. My wings looked like a combination of owls and eagles. It was big, broad and kind of round at the bottom feathers which were called secondary feathers like owls and at the end tip of each primary feather also known as the primary feather or flying feather had wide gaps like eagles. Besides, the colour of my wings is some kind of colour that is camouflage to nature, forest and the sky at night: Brownish with greyish and a little bit of dark blue like dark navy or cobalt, having a horizontal stripe pattern, maybe? And the bottom of my wings had similar color, but they were lighter about 1 or 2 tones.

So after that dream, I did research about my glider night wings type for a week and I got the name of the birds' wings that are similar to the wings I had in the dream, but with a different pattern: Eurasian Owl, also called as Eagle owls. When I was researching, I found that my wings' color was different from what the normal Eagle owls should have. The reason I'd love to tell in the next chapter.

End. Have a great day/ night and remember to wear a mask whenever you are outside and stay safe during the pandemic.