The Witch Kingdom had fallen almost silent since the marriage of Aurora and Khalivar.
At this time, Aurora had stepped forward and taken on more of a leadership role while her parents oversaw her decision making. Most of the decisions had been rather popular, such as far more accessible and safer trade routes, a more stabilized economy with the Kingdom, equal and fair pay to the the commonfolk, and regulations pertaining to outside communication with other Kingdoms was now permitted in hopes to build strong foundation relationships.
Khalivare had overseen a reorganization of the Guards and ensured proper training and proper protection for homes and businesses within the commonwealth. Most importantly, he restructured security operations within the palace and the Kingdoms walls. He insured that no matter where they were to be attacked, if an attack should happen, that they would be able to outlast it long enough to launch a proper counter attack. Though he had lived a prosperous lifestyle, residing within a palace, he, much like Aurora connected with the people and understood their needs. And though he was a Vampire, he and developed a strong bond with the people, who approved of his decisions.
Ember had settled herself with the palace strangely enough after befriending a Kitchen maid, who had resided with the castle and offered a place to stay as long as she was willing to pay money which Ember, had managed to procure.
Today was an important day however, because it was on this day that Aurora would make a special announcement. All with the palace had gathered to the Throne room where she deliver the news first and then to the people.
" I have called you all here, with a special announcement" Aurora smiled as she gazed around the room at her friend's and family. Ember stayed in the back of the large crowd as to not arise suspicion.
" It is with a happy heart, and with the interest of unification in mind for all that reside here, that announce that I, am with child" the crowd erupted in cheers and screams of joy as Aurora placed her hand upon her enlarged belly.
Khalivare leaned over and placed a kiss upon Auroras cheek as she took a seat upon her mother's throne. " And as most of you are aware, this child, has been promised, to the Lycan Kingdom. So that we may further strengthen our world by unifying all Kingdoms" Aurora smiled as she looked upon the crowd. Though she tried to hide herself, Aurora had taken notice of Ember and motioned for her to approach the throne to which Ember reluctantly agreed. Once at the throne, Ember turned to face the crowd who were now staring at this strange new face with confusion.
" As many of you are aware. We are welcoming new faces within the Kingodm. And this young lady here, is named Ember. Now, I cannot tell you as to the reason for her visit but what I can tell you is this.." Aurora paused as she looked around the room, checking all reactions to see if she withheld their attention.
" She is important, and she will be treated as an honored guest during her stay here. And though she may wish to remain in the shadows, if she should ever step into the light, then she should be welcomed with open arms. As I'm sure, that her intentions here within this Kingdom, is nothing but of the upmost importance and benefit to our wonderful home" Aurora smiled and dismissed the crowd, and turned back to Ember who was surprised by the strange welcome.
" How good of you to return so soon.." Aurora smiled confidently as Khalivar maintained his focus onto Ember in case she were to try anything.
" I am back because I was asked to return. I am here to ensure the safety of your unborn child " Ember kept her answers as brief as possible.
" Well good, should I dismiss the guards then?" Aurora mocked.
" I do not care if you keep them or you do not. I am here to do a job and that is what I am going to do. Your child must live, even if you do not" Embers answer was met with an approach from Khalivar.
" A threat would not be wise here, Young One" he advised, as though he his form and tone were intimidating to the likes of Ember who scoffed.
" If I wish to make a threat, then a threat is what I shall make.. and I can assure you that you would not be able to do anything to prevent that threat from becoming an action" Ember growled which made Khalivar step back and regather his composure.
" And as for you " Ember turned her attention back to Aurora. " I thanked you for showing me what you did. I thanked you for the help you provided. And though I am not protecting your child on your behalf, I am doing so just the same. So it would be wise to do nothing to anger me. Because you, of all People, know who I am and what I am capable of" Embers words wiped the smirk clean off of Auroras face.
" We will act according to your direction. Though you promised me, that my plans would not be disturbed if I were allowed to remain in power. And from what I've heard, there are many efforts made by your own allies, to remove me from power" how Aurora had known of private conversations between Raven and Penny and herself, she wasn't sure but this could pose a problem to their mission. Ember had not been ready for this but remained composed so as not to show weakness.
" You will remain in power if you go along with what we have discussed. Because despite the misconception that your child is something to be wagered or gambled with, she is important. And she must remain. And if I should see any threat to her from outsiders or yourself, then I will have no issues with removing you myself" Ember leaned forward so that Aurora could hear her even more clearly.
" And frankly, you are too much trouble for me to want to bother with" and with that, Ember walked away, leaving Aurora and Khalivare to regroup.