The Journey had taken them a long time but they finally arrived at the Lycans domain. They knew once they entered the Kingdom, they would be set in a path they could never undo. They had with them, a child of the Queen and King, the sister of Gabriel, one whose existence had never been known.
" I will handle this" Lysette assured as they passed the Kingdoms walls and made their way to the home of the Royal Family. Once inside, they found the King and the Queen both upon their thrones, handling the daily matters of the commoners when they were spotted.
" Welcome back Lysette, we have missed you! " The King and Queen from their thrones to rush to their trusted Aid and greet her properly however once they approached they discovered the small girl, Ally.
" How did you find her..." The King Questioned, almost in a state of horror .
" We found her because she was taken by the leader of the Thorns. And I wish to discuss this matter with you both privately" The King and Queen led Lysette to a side chamber where they could have the requested privacy from onlookers. Shawn and the others stayed behind.
" What is the meaning of this.." Lysette questioned the moment the door was shut.
" Its not what you think Lysette, we can assure you that there is good reason for what happened" The King was trembling, something Lysette had rarely seen him do.
" So it is true..she is the sister of Gabriel? "
" Yes, it's true but she was exhiled" The Queen stepped forward. This only angered Lysette who tried to keep her emotions under control in front of the child.
" Why..would you ever exile a child..who had done nothing wrong? " Lysette was disgusted by what she was hearing. There was nothing that this child could have possibly done to deserve this.
" We had no choice but to exhile her" The Queen tried to reason. " We had to do this..lives were at stake" she further explained.
" What do you mean? " Lysette looked to the child and then back to the King and Queen she barely recognized anymore.
" She was born, under the pretense that she would be the heir to the Kingdom. And that was her right and her privilege. And then, we discovered that she was born..with..the mark" The Queen approached her daughter and asked that she held out her hand. Ally did as she requested and there, are on her hand, rested the mark. A black symbol, one of which marked certain doom. The mark, was a black tree of sorts. The tree, was considered to be cursed by Lycans for hundreds of Generation. It was ominous and only appeared In the memories passed down through the generations. Lysette knew this mark, and she knew of its false pretenses. It was never an omen, but a mark of the world unknown by many. The mark of a survivor.
" You allowed horror stories to poison your minds so much that you abandoned your child. A mark, that you believe meant that she was cursed..but she isn't. This mark is anything but an omen. And whilst, I would have never done so, because of what it means to others, now it is time that you see the truth"
" Lysette pulled down her shirt, revealing the very same mark upon her chest much to the shock of the Family.
" I am not cursed. And I am not an omen. I have been trusted and I have done everything for this Kingdom. And even my sister knew nothing " Lysette made direct eye contact with the Queen. " You acted so quickly, because of fear..and I would return her to, if not for fear that you would be hysterical at a simple sneeze" Lysette mocked. She was disgusted by her sisters actions..and the Kings actions.
" Lysette" the Queen weaped, her eyes full of Tears. " All of these years and you..had the mark " The Queen stared on at her Sister and the Daughter she had abandoned. " We can never correct the mistake we made. And we are deeply sorry for that.." She pleaded, hoping that Lysette could forgive them.
" Don't say it to me..say it to your daughter..she is the one that you betrayed.." Lysettes voice was stern, unforgiving, and angered.
" We are sorry little one, we know that we made a mistake..but if you can forgive us..we would love for you to come home" her mother's words were heard, but were also foreign to her as she had been given away at infancy.
" Where is home? " Ally questioned.
" Home is here. With us. You are a princess" her mother explained. After thinking for a moment, Ally nodded and reached out for her mother and after Lysettes relent, her mother took Ally from Lysettes arms and held her tightly as though she had missed her terribly. And despite this reunion, Lysette could not be sure that she was doing the right thing. But for now, it was all that she could do.