I sat in my father's office whilst he was doing paperwork; book in hand- the life of an emperor sure is boring

Alright, I need to re-jog my memory; all these distractions are making me forget my objective of giving myself a good life. At first, I was hoping that I could just live my life how it had been going so far. Praying I messed the story up enough to avoid events like this.

But It seems like that won't be happening, I shouldn't be surprised since It was such a major plot point in the show...

"Are you alright? You seem to be spacing out a bit" Father said looking up from his work to look at me.

"I'm fine, daddy! Sovi was just lost in thought!" I said blushing

He nodded and looked back down, Things just won't go my way huh.




The carriage pulled up and father held my hand as we began to enter, I heard a loud voice call behind me

"Sovi!" I turned to see Sorren running towards me guards following behind him

He grabbed both of my hands "Is it true you are leaving Oraylea for Atheria? I couldn't get any information from father but now I see..." He looked a bit sad like a defeated puppy.

"Don't worry ill be back really soon! It's just going to be a dinner and a little staying time, Sovi will be back before you know it" I giggled patting his head.

He let go of my hands and I entered the beautiful horse-drawn carriage. The luxurious cushions softened my hop onto the seats.

I held out my hand as the golden light of spirits rested in it, a familiar sense of dread began to fill my stomach.

And we were off for the kingdom of Atheria.




When we finally arrived at the palace in the central capital. I was tired, to say the least. My butt felt as if it was glued to the seat.

The senior guards held my hand and helped me out of the carriage.

Turning back I saw the other carriage with the maids Claudette and Marianne, as well as Kane the knight.

"Father where are we going" I whispered

"Before the party, we will be permitted to rest in some of the guest rooms in the palace"

Oh, I see, the party will be held at sunset correct? I read in a book that all royal events began at sunset. I wonder why that is. Regardless I need to hurry up and find the second prince-

"Welcome to my palace!" A snarky voice snickered from in front of us.

There stood the first prince on the kingdom Perseus. He is the legitimate son of the current emperor and empress. And from just guessing she should be around 8 years old. Since the first instance, he is shown in the script he's 10 and Lucia is 8.

He strutted over towards me and kissed my hand. "And you must be the elusive princess of Oraylea am I correct your highness Sovvia Oraylea?"

I snatched my hand away and the prince's face contorted into a scowl.

"It's nice to meet you too 1st prince Perseus." I curtsied

He didn't seem pleased with me

"That's CROWN prince to you." he said his face clearly angry. All of a sudden a lady in a maid's uniform tapped him on the shoulder.

I could almost feel fathers and stare towards the prince's attitude towards me

"My prince you promised her highness you would be kind to the guests" The maid whispered in his ear

He turned and snapped at her "What do you think I'm doing right now old hag?!"

"Don't tell me what to do" He said preparing his hand to hit her. All of a sudden father grabbed his hand.

"This isn't how imperial princesses should be behaving don't you think?" He said glaring down at the prince. "Yes you are right I'm sorry for the disturbance your majesty," He said face turning bright red from embarrassment.

Perseus once again raised his head.

Getting a better look at him he looks identical to the empress. Striking blonde hair as well as green eyes.

The eyes of a snake I say!

And I wouldn't be so off the mark...

Perseus is one of the many love interests Lucia managed to get caught in her web. He fell in love with her after she attended the party with the king at age 8. It was her first time at a fancy event so she stumbled and stuttered.

But despite all that she still looked graceful doing it, catching the eye of many onlookers praising her overwhelming beauty. Leopold was the same age as the crown prince of Atheria yet paid him no mind.

This seemed to anger Atherias Crown prince attempting to engage in a fight with Leopold only to be met with stunning beauty. Green eyes like emeralds and brown hair like the finest chocolate. A spitting image of father's now-dead wife.

I continued to be led down various corridors that my head began to get dizzy however I couldn't stray from the mission. Locate and find the second crown prince. This is a must if I want my plan to work!

My and father I were shown to our rooms where the maids got everything set up. Whilst in the chaos of ladies and butlers faffing around trying to sort out my various dresses and accessories I managed to slip out. Making sure to pack some essential items with me.

Now for the hard part. Finding the prince...

From what I'm aware the prince is supposed to be kept away from the main area. Hidden of where no one can find him.

Reminds me of someone...

Since the emperor's sudden illness, the empress seems to be doing whatever she wants without even consulting the emperor beforehand. Using her status to battle over anyone who goes against her.

Turning around the corner, I peeked down the hall to check if anyone was there.

"There you are M'lady we were so worried we had lost you!" I heard familiar voices shout to me

Darn it!

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble," I said under my breath trying to sound as sad as possible

"That's alright m'lady! Is there a reason that you ran off like that?" Claudette asked

Come on think of an excuse quick before they get suspicious...

"I wanted to see the city before the party!"

"Really? If you did then all you had to do was tell us! I'm sure the emperor would approve such a small request" Marianne said picking me up and carrying me back to my room.

I missed my opportunity! What am I going to do...

I'm going to have to wait for another opening. My best chance is when everyone is at the party, the emperor and maids will be so distracted they won't even see me!

Alright! Plan B is in session.