CHAPTER 10- The Crown prince
As we entered the grand hall my father held my hand, mine over his as we walked down the stairs. The butler introduced him but not me considering I haven't yet had my debut.
"Introducing Oraylea's Emperor, His highness Julius Oraylea and 3rd party"
A lot of people were staring trying to figure out who the mysterious young girl was clinging to the emperor. I never did well with crowds but my years playing an extra improved that for me.
'who's that girl?'
'Is she the emperor's daughter?'
'She looks nothing like I imagined'
I turned to look at them to which they seemed to notice and their gazes bolting away.
Father is sticking very close to me, I need to wait until the empress shows up before I can go anywhere. "Why if it isn't Princess Sovvia, I apologize for the last meeting I hope we can get along now"
The prince smiled reaching for my hand to kiss. I snatched it away causing a snarl to lay on his face.
How on earth did Sovvia manage to fall for his cunning manipulative asshole?! Was she crazy?
For context: Sovvia was head over heels for the first prince, maybe that's exactly what the empress intended. Because of Sovvia's infatuation with the prince, allowing the empress to gain easy access to the royal palace in Oraylea as well as information about the royal family.
Love truly is the root of all evil.
I take back what I said last time, maybe Sovvia truly was a villainess with how she allowed the kingdom of Atheria to snoop around as much as they pleased.
But I just don't understand, why? The prince treated Sovvia like shit and praised Lucia constantly.
And yet Sovvia still couldn't let go. Is that just how love is or was there something more to it...
I can't remember from memory and since most of the play focused around Lucia but why did the Atherian family want access to secret passages...
Well no point wondering about it now.
We have a more annoying; fly-swatting problem to deal with.
"May I have this dance, princess?" The arrogant prince said with a grin plastered on his face.
Just as I was about to turn him down-
"Introducing the Empress of Atheria, her majesty Empress Ambrose"
Just her? But what about the emperor?
I watched as the empress walked down the staircase, the mood of the hall instantly changing from liveliness to fear. I completely understood this woman reeked of bloodlust and terror. The sensation made me feel sick to my stomach.
As she made her way towards father, I took this as my chance to bolt out of the room without anyone noticing me.
Sneaking out of the side double door near the staircase I found myself in the west wing of the castle. Since the party was happening elsewhere the majority of guards were concentrated to the south.
Whilst traveling the corridors I noticed an area less guarded by anyone. The lack of guards showed suspicion. The area was also not as grand as the rest of the palace.
From what I recall the empress being cruelly kept the 2nd prince sectioned In a room further away from the rest of the palace where nobody would be able to find him.
I suddenly came across a dead end. Bingo.
If my suspicions are correct the second prince's room should be behind a sealed magic door, which to access you need to press a specific panel on the wall.
In the original storyline, Lucia finds herself lost whilst trying to avoid the 1st prince, causing her to trip and accidentally discover...
The hatch!
I pressed on it and a shining white line began to illuminate a door. Magic is so cool! I internally fangirled.
Pushing it open I entered a dark room, It had a large bed yet the place looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years.
All of a sudden an invisible force of golden sprites pushed me to the ground. "Hey! what-"
I saw a figure hurl towards where I had just been previously standing.
In the moonlight, I could see him staring at me. The Beautiful white hair, skin as pale as snow, the terrifying blue eyes which held no mercy.
This was the 2nd prince of Atheria. There was no doubt in my mind. He was so... beautiful.
I noticed the wooden Sword in his hands and panicked, Raising my hands into the air. "I'm not here to hurt you I just got lost that's all."
The prince continued to stare at me as if he didn't understand what I was saying before looking down at the weapon in his hand and placing it on the ground.
"Are you okay you have bruises and wounds..." The closer I looked at him the sicker I felt. This boy looked terrible, he seemed malnourished and dirty, not to mention the wounds he's covered in that are poorly wrapped in dirty cloth.
"Hey... Um your wounds, I can treat them if you'd like." I hadn't expected it to be this bad so I'm not sure if I brought enough bandages for him.
I reached out towards him to which he stumbled backward, landing on the ground.
Putting my hand into my bag I took out a candy I had brought with me, Holding it out as I crawled towards him hand raised, the kindest smile I could muster.
Seeming hesitant he took the piece of candy from me and placed it into his mouth, eyes lighting up once the flavours seemed to hit him. He raised his hand again "Another..." He said In a quiet tone.
"I will but, you have to let me treat your wounds, If you stay like that they could get infected!"
He still seemed to not trust me but let me get close.
Reaching back into my bag I began treating his wound with the disinfectant I had carried. Leaving the tin of sweets next to him as he winced in pain of the disinfectant killing any bacteria in his wounds.
Lastly taking out the fresh bandages, I began wrapping his wounds.
"Who are you..." The boy whispered
"I'm Sovvia! Princess of Oraylea." I said with a smile, he seemed shocked but smiled back. "Hello... My name is Yuno.."
I know
Aww, he was so adorable! What's with people in this world treating super cute kids so badly huh!?
"Do you feel any better?"
"Yes, but why are you helping me?" He said looking up at me with doe eyes
Before I could respond he said "Everyone wants me dead. That's what mother said, I'm a mistake. So why are you helping me" His voice sounded more desperate towards the end.
How ironic...
I reached out to pat his head "I don't want you dead, I want you to live life to the fullest! Don't let anyone bring you down ever" I gleamed as my hand balled into a fist a smile piercing my face.
He looked shocked but smiled back at me.
Sitting down I reached back into my bag taking out the sandwiches I had stolen from the kitchen earlier.
"Here have them" He looked shocked but didn't question it and began eating.
We sat in silence for a bit, a spirit landing on my lap. I reached out to pet it only to notice that Yuno was staring at it aswell.
"Can you see them?" I question impulsively
"You can see them too," he asked me What? But I thought humans couldn't see them?
Maybe it has something to do with the amount of mana this boy has, despite being young I'm still part nymph. I can basically feel the mana pooling out of him.
I'll have to do some more research later, how come he could see them but father couldn't?
Or could he and just chose not to say anything?
"I am part nymph so.." He looked shocked; eyes gleaming
"Really? Like the ones in the fairy tales!" Yuno said excitedly getting closer to me
I blushed at the distance between us "Yes, my mother was a nymph"
"That's so cool!!"
My heart began thumping in my chest, what is this feeling...
Before I got the chance to question it further I heard loud footsteps coming from outside.