For as long as I've known my entire family hated me. For good reason I assume, the only person to have ever shown me affection was my mother.

But we were living in poverty after she lost her job at the palace, she was no longer able to afford her medicine or take care of me.

She eventually passed away.

However, in the midst of my grief, a man came to me claiming to be my father. That's when I found out I was the illegitimate child of the emperor of Atheria. I had hoped my life would get better but it only got worse.

My stepmother despised me and so did my half-brother, they wanted nothing to do with me.

Despite being young I understood their hatred towards me and how it was deserved, but since the emperor was in charge it meant everything was okay.

I was okay.

But of course, life didn't turn out that way for me. You see I was born under the fourth star which is considered the unluckiest of them all.

'Did you hear?'

'Everyone knows'

I walked down the palace halls hearing the whispering and stares, which I was used to by now considering my origins.

'the emperor- he's he can't even move'

"What!" I screamed and the maids who were whispering jumped, a somewhat smug look appeared on their faces.

"Did no one tell you, my prince? The emperor is extremely sick for a while now" The maid smiled, Her tone was mocking

"He's been like that for a while, turns out he's been bedridden. Such as shame" The giggles of the other maids clear in my mind.

father was sick? Why did no one tell me?

I began running towards fathers chambers, where I saw the empress leaving. Her grace and stature were unmatched.

"Mother why didn't you tell me father was sick!" I yelled and she slapped me across my face.

"Who do you think you are to address me like that, useless street rat." He glared at me

"Whilst the emperor is bedridden it's my job as his wife to make sure everything is in order."

I felt tears rain down my face as I pushed open the door.

Walking up to fathers bed I saw his face red like a tomato as if he had a fever.

Next to his bed rest sat a cup of water. I went to grab it only to feel a presence behind me as if something was trying to stop me from touching it.

I picked it up and sniffed it, it smelt like...


In my years living on the street, I knew the smell of poison as well as danger.

Someone was poisoning father- but who

her. That witch

As I got ready to charge out of that door and chase after that witch, my father's panting started to worsen whilst he began to cough.

"Someone help!" I screamed

Maids burst into the room, re-wetting his cloth

'Someone call the doctor!'

A maid grabbed my arm and dragged me outside whilst I was crying and screaming.

Looking up I saw the empress giving me a clear look of victory, yet the only thing I could feel was malice.

"Guards!" She Screamed

Fear engulfed my vision




The smell of dampness entered my nose, the putrid smell of rotting food which I couldn't bring myself to touch.

It reeked of poison

My silver hair had begun to turn a greyish color. I was all alone again. The only thing keeping my sanity was the golden creatures that would visit me from time to time.

I heard someone outside my door, It was probably my 'brother' on his way to mock me once again. I grabbed the wooden sword I had gotten from one of the guards.

Readying myself for who would come in, as the door began to push forward, I lunged forward without a single thought.

As I jumped I saw the face of a young girl looking terrified, but it was too late, I ended up hitting into the door.

Turning my head, In the moonlight, I could see her staring at me her eyes blue as a calm ocean, her hair dark as night, her Skin a warm brown.

"I'm not here to hurt you I just got lost that's all." I continued to stare at her without a single word

Letting my guard down as I stared at her, I dropped mine to the ground.

"Are you okay you have bruises and wounds..." I wasn't sure how to respond but I could see the clear worry in her eyes.

"Hey... Um your wounds, I can treat them if you'd like." Is she being serious? This could be another trap set up by that witch, but for some reason, I feel safe...

She reached towards me to which I stumbled backward on instinct, the girl seemed surprised and crawled towards me holding out a pink ball of what seemed to be candy.

She gave me a warm smile, I know I shouldn't have taken it but her smile had no malice in it, I felt safe...

Putting it in my mouth it tasted sweet...


I reached my hand out once again "Another.." I whispered, my voice still hoarse from lack of speaking for so long

"I will but, you have to let me treat your wounds, If you stay like that they could get infected!"

I was still wary of her but let her get closer to me.

She reached into the bag and pulled out medical supplies, why does she have them on her?

Maybe she is very clumsy?

But she looks like a noble lady so shouldn't her maids carry things like this around?

She began bandaging up my wounds with extreme care, I watched her intensely. The more I stared the deeper the blush on my face grew.

"Who are you..." I whispered

"I'm Sovvia! Princess of Oraylea." she said with a smile

Her voice sounded much brighter compared to before; maybe I scared her?

"Hello, My name is Yuno.."

"Do you feel any better?"

"Yes, but why are you helping me?" I said staring up at her surprised face

I didn't let her respond

"Everyone wants me dead. That's what mother said, I'm a mistake. So why are you helping me?" The desperation for some form of validation laced my voice

A big smile appeared on her face

"I don't want you dead, I want you to live life to the fullest! Don't let anyone bring you down ever" I returned the smile

The girl reached back into her bag and pulled out some sandwiches and handed them to me. "Here have them!"

Comfortable silence radiated the room, I watched as one of the glowing creatures flew into the room and landed on the girl's lap.

To my surprise she reached out to pet it

She seemed to notice I was staring "Can you see them?"

"You can see them too?" I returned the question

"I am part nymph so.." I stared in shock; my eyes lighting up.

My mother used to tell me stories about nymphs before she passed

"Really? Like the ones in the fairy tales!" I got closer to her

"Yes, my mother was a nymph"

"That's so cool!!"

Noticing how I had closed the distance between us I fell backward, my heart pumping with excitement.

I jumped as I heard loud footsteps coming from outside.