Just as the door flung open I dived under the creaky bed, covering my mouth so I wouldn't make a peep.

Poking my head out to see who was there, I saw a man wearing a robe holding a sort of staff in his hand, the man's outfit resembled that of the place mages I had seen at the front of the palace.

"Oi brat have you seen Orayaleas princess go by?" The man looked around the room as if searching for something

Yuno glared back at the man not responding.

"Oi I asked you a question, don't give me that look" The mage began poking Yuno in the face with the stick

Taunting him to react.

And yet Yuno remained calm and didn't respond, head now facing towards the ground.

"It was a waste of time to ask you, you are beyond useless" the mage sighed as I watched his feet turn towards the exit and the sound of the door slamming.

Just as I was about the crawl out I heard another slam followed by a shimmering sound, I realized the palace mage must have re-sealed the room.

"Alright he's gone, you can come out now."

I took a large gasp as I crawled out from under the dusty bed; coughing up dust

"Are you alright?" Yuno asked genuine concern in his voice

I didn't respond, just continuing to cough

Silence filled the room. "Why did you come here anyway? I never managed to ask..."

I stared at him not sure how to respond as if by reflex I said "For you of course" It was meant to come across as a light-hearted joke. But the look on Yunos's face showed otherwise.

Realizing what I said sounded strange I covered up my mouth sharing the prince's face of shock

"For me?" Yuno stuttered out, his blue eyes widening.

I chuckled seeing how Yunos face had brightened up, I could almost picture the puppy dog ears and wagging tail as his hands were perfectly cupped in his lap.

My mind snapped back to the issue at hand. The door.

How was I supposed to escape now if the door had been locked, I could try jumping out of the window but... we are pretty high up. I doubt I would survive it.

The whole point of me coming here was to prevent my death...

Yuno seemed to catch up to my worry "Is something wrong? You're staring out the window"

I turned to him a bit started by the question

"Sorry I was just wondering how I would get out of here now..." He looked at me and smiled before turning his back to me and crawling towards the bedside table.

I couldn't see very clearly as his back blocked my line of view but I watched as I saw a pure white magic circle appear and the lock on the draw broke with no hesitation.

Yuno reached his hand into the drawer and took out a bottle of white powder.

Inching back over to me he dipped 2 fingers into the bottle and began drawing a larger magic circle on the ground. "W-what are you doing" I stuttered out mesmerized.

"It's a teleportation circle, I set up a permanent one in the back garden so I'm able to travel outside without being caught, luckily brother and mother don't go out there so the knights don't typically either" He looked up to me smiling.

He then handed me the bottle, "here if you take this then you can draw one at home and visit me anytime"

This is perfect!

I took the bottle from him without hesitation. He began explaining to me how magic circles worked, handing me a sheet with a diagram of the teleport circle.

"Alright, are you ready to say the chant?" He asked smile still plastered on his face.

I stepped into the magic circle "I'll see you soon" I smiled back down at him. Clutching the bottle of powder in my hands.

"------" With those words I felt as if I was floating, a wave of dizziness hit me. Reopening my eyes I realized that I was falling.

I screamed as I landed directly into a bush, Before I was able to process what happened I began hearing shouts and yells coming towards me.

"I heard something!"

So dizzy...

"The princess! She's over here!" I heard another voice scream and I felt a hand hold mine, pulling me up from the bush.

As my vision focused I saw a man with golden hair running towards me. It was father but he looked different.

He looked startled and dishevelled, he ran straight towards me and hugged me.


In the few months I've been in the place this is the first time he's shown me this kind of affection.

What's his problem? He looks absolutely terrified. "Father?"

The emperor pulled away immediately looking down at me with a look of relief and worry on his face.

"Where were you." He questioned seriously yet his voice was shaking. "Sorry- I got lost" I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes.

"We're leaving. Now." The emperor got up and stormed off; seeming angry.




By dawn, our luggage had been packed into the carriages.

I sat down in the carriages clutching my bag as my father stepped into the carriage. That's when I remembered the beautiful Lion shaped broach I had bought for him.

"Uhm father..." He turned to look at me

I dipped my fingers into the bag and handed the broach to him, He stared at me "Is that for me?" He queried

"Yes I got it for you" My face went dark red with embarrassment.

The emperor had a look of surprise on his face, for once his colder demeanour faltered and a blush appeared on his face.

"Eros..." He whispered, I wouldn't have heard it but I'm still cautious around the emperor so I didn't let that word escape.

Before I could react he took the broach from me.

[A year and a half later. . .]

The familiar dizziness overtook my brain, my feet lifting from the ground

When I reopened my eyes I was greeted by a beautiful bedroom, the brightness from the sunlight outside the window blinding me.

"Princess..." Opening my eyes fully I saw the dazzling white hair and ravenous blue eyes staring at me, but this time a warm smile somewhat resembling a smirk was on his face.

"Prince Yuno Atheria" I curtsied; a similar smirk appearing on my face


He ran up to me and hugged me. " I missed you..." He whispered into my ear

I missed you too