Making Friends

I reached the company and took the public elevator. There were few more people in the elevator with me whom I assumed to be the employees of the company. I pressed the 28th-floor button. All the other employees got off from the elevator one by one on different floors while I was the last one remaining to get off. When the elevator door opened on the 28th floor, I got off and walked towards the president's cabin.

When I entered the cabin, I saw the president's chair was empty. "He must have not arrived by now." I thought to myself.

The cabin next to his on this floor was for his assistant and now it belonged to me. The walls were made up of glass and indeed I can see what's going outside from the president's cabin. I can also see my cabin from the president's cabin's glass. I walked up to my cabin. It was neat and well maintained. But I couldn't see the president from my cabin and I realized that it was one-sided glass. I sat on my seat and rotated myself. The chair had wheels on its legs. It feels so good like this. I closed my eyes and released a sigh. "God knows what's waiting ahead of me".

I was deep in my thoughts when suddenly the telephone in my cabin rang making me jump from my seat. I calmed myself down and picked up the phone.

" Hello." I said on the phone.

" Come to my office. Now." the voice said from the other end. It was President Alexander's voice.

" Why can't he just call me from his office by calling my name loudly ?" I questioned myself. Oh! His office must be soundproof. How silly of me. Rich people!!

I got up from my seat and entered his cabin. He was looking dashing like always, wearing his business attire.

" This is my schedule for today. Read it and remind me for work according to it. You will take care of it in the future. After that, at noon go to the finance department and from the manager bring records from past ten years. Analyze it and make a data of it." he said in a flat tone. I took his schedule from his hand.

" Yes, sir." I reported back and went back to my cabin. I sat on the chair and started memorizing it. Soon it was noon. In between, I went to the president's cabin once to remind him about his and the vice-president meeting with Mr. Xin. He went there and had not come back till now. I went to the finance department. Shoot! I don't even know where the finance department is. I went back to my cabin and called at the reception.

" Hello." the receptionist said.

" Hello. I'm Annabell, the president's assistant. "May I know on which floor the finance department is?" I asked her.

" Oh. It's on the 13th floor. I will email you the company's format later." She said politely.

" Ok. Thank you."

" Welcome."

We ended our conversation and I rushed to the finance department by taking the president's elevator and pressed the 13th-floor button.

When I reached the 13th floor the elevator door opened and I stepped outside it.

This floor was not as beautiful as President's floor but still well-organized and amazing. I walked ahead and reached the Finance Manager's cabin. I knocked on the door.

" Come in." came a sweet voice from inside.

I opened the door and walked inside. A woman of almost my age was sitting and was doing something on her computer. When I entered, her eyes left her computer and met mine.

" You are~," the lady asked with a questionable face and I realized that I haven't introduced myself yet.

" I'm sorry. My name is Annabell Evans. President's new assistant. " I said politely extending my hand for a handshake.

" Oh. I'm Penelope Smith." she said and stood up from her seat and accepted my handshake.

" Please have a seat." she said and I seated myself.

" I wanted last ten years finance record." I came to the main point for which I came here.

" Okay. Please give me a minute." she said and dialed someone from the office's telephone.

" Mia, I want finance record from the last ten years in my office immediately." she said to the person on the other end of the call and put the telephone on end.

" Just wait for a few minutes. It will be here by then." she said to me smiling. I also returned her smile with a smile. After some more minutes of silence, the office door opened and a woman with some files came in.

" That will be all. Thank you." I said to them.

" Welcome. It was nice to meet you." she said back and the woman who just came with files left with a bow.

" Hope we meet again." she said and I walked out of the finance department with a smile. "Hope I will make some friends in this office." I thought to myself.

I came back to my cabin and put the files on the table. The President's cabin was still empty. There was a lunchbox on my table with a note on it. I opened the note and read it. It said :

Don't forget to eat lunch. Something came up so I left. I will be back after few hours.

Alexander Wilson.


'So he came here when I was in the finance department to fetch the files.' I thought to myself. A smile carved on my face on seeing the note and the lunchbox. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought he would be. The first impression need not to be always good. I opened the lunchbox that he kept here for me. There was a hamburger, chips, and cold coffee. I sat back on my chair and enjoyed my first meal in the office. It was really very delicious. I enjoyed every bite of it. After the meal, I sat back to continue with my work and started analyzing and making data from the finance record that I brought from Ms. Smith.