
It was almost half-past eleven and I was still working on the data. I was feeling very sleepy now. After another fifteen minutes of hard work, the data I was working on was finally completed. I saved the file in a pen-drive and put it in my handbag. I once again checked the time on my phone. Fifteen minutes were left to midnight.

" It is going hard to find a cab now." I sighed and suddenly my phone ranged, making me startled. It was a call from an unknown number. Who is calling me this late?

I pick up the call and said,

" Hello?"

" Anna, where are you now?" The voice spoke. It was Alex.

" I'm still in the office, Sir." I reported back to him.

" Wait for me in front of the main gate of the building. I'll be there in five minutes to pick you up." he said. Mr. President is giving me a lift?

" You don't need to bother yourself. I'll find a cab." I said politely.

" It is not safe for woman to travel at night. Wait for me in front of the company's entrance. Bye." he said and cut off the call. He is so bossy.

I shut down my computer and arranged the paper on the shelf in my cabin. Grabbing my bag, I went down via. elevator and waited for Alex. After a couple of minutes, he came driving his black car and parked it in front of me. He rolled down his window.

" Good evening sir." I greeted him and he just nodded. I opened the door of the passenger's seat and took a seat in the car. Alex started the engine and started to drive towards my house. We both were sitting in silence. The road was almost clear in the middle of the night. I was just sitting and gazing out of the window when Alex broke the silence.

" We are heading for France tomorrow. Have you prepared the data I said you to do earlier?" he asked.

" Yes." I reported.

" Be ready at 11o' clock. I'll pick you up from your house." he said in a calm tone.

" Ok, sir."

The rest of the ride was in silence. We didn't talk to each other and I kept staring out of the window. After some time I reached my destination and I bid my farewell to him. After he left, I knocked at my door and my dad opened it within few seconds like he was just standing there to open the door.

" Are you and President Wilson close?" my father asked me as I entered the house.

" Of course not. Why did you ask that?" I answered and questioned at the same time.

" He came to our house only to drop you in the middle of the night. Of course, it gives some hint." my father said.

" Dad. There's nothing like that. I was working till late and he happened to ask me for a lift. That's why he dropped me at my house. And by the way, I am going to France tomorrow so I need to rest early. I'm going to bed now." I said and walked up to my room.

As I entered the room, I locked the door. I was feeling really tired so I just changed my clothes and jump upon the bed. Not after some time I was dead asleep. Today was really a tiring day. Working in front of a computer is much more difficult than what I had imagined.

I woke up at 7 the next morning. I was really tired and slept for a long time. I hurriedly climb out of the bed. I was still feeling sleepy but I knew that if I don't work quickly I'm sure that I will be late. I went to the washroom and freshen up as quickly as I can and start packing my bag that I am going to take with me to France. When I was packing my bag I realized that he didn't even tell me that for how many days we are going to be there. I picked my phone and called him on his personal number. I saved his number when he called me yesterday night.

(In call)

" Hello." Alex spoke from the other end.

" Hello, sir. Good morning. I'm Annabell." I introduced myself and he just hummed.

" I called you because you didn't tell me that for how long we are going to France ." I went straight to the topic.

" Oh. My fault. We're going there for 3 days and 2 nights." he said.

" Ok, sir. Thank you." I said and ended the call.

Again I started packing according to the days we were going to be there. I checked the weather forecast of France and packed my clothes according to it. I put my all daily necessities in the bag. I opened my handbag and once again confirmed that the pen-drive is with me or not. I put the pen-drive back in my bag and was all ready. It was 10 o'clock by now. I opened my cupboard and wore casual jeans and a top and tied my hair.

After getting ready I went downstairs and I saw all the other family members were sitting at the dining table for breakfast. I went towards them and took a seat beside father. My stepmom and sister Sophia was sitting in front of us.

" Are you going to the airport?" my father asked me during the meal and I shook my head.

" Mr. Wilson said that he will be here to pick me up at 11." I answered him.

" Ok. And remember not to anger Mr. Wilson. If you did something to anger him then take the consequences yourself. My company should not be affected by you." my father said to me and I nodded my head.

" I understood." I said and again started to eat my breakfast. We ate rest of our breakfast in silence except for some mother-daughter duo blabbering about some random stuff. After eating I bought my luggage down and was waiting for Alex as it was almost 11 o'clock now.