
Exactly at 11 o'clock, Alex came to pick me up from my house. My father tried to invite him to have a cup of tea inside but he refused. His driver opened the back seat gate for me and put my luggage in the back. Alex was sitting beside me in the back seat and finally, we set off to the airport.

The ride from my house to the airport was silent except for some business-related questions he asked and I answered in yes, no, and hmm. He boarded to flight and I and Alex were now sitting in the airplane, in business class to France.

Honestly, I am so excited. Butterflies had formed in my stomach. It is my first time going somewhere by taking flight. My father never traveled with me. The last time I went together with them was to my maternal grandmother's funeral, six years ago.

I was sitting on the window side seat and was gazing outside it. After some time when we were many feet away from the ground, I could see all the big buildings becoming shorter and shorter and in no time I left its sight and now I can only see clouds surrounding us.

" You should take a nap now." Alex's voice reached my ear and I look towards him. His head was resting on the seat and his eyes were closed. He looks pretty handsome while sleeping. His sharp features and long eyelashes enhancing his beauty.

" Don't get mesmerized with my beauty." he suddenly spoke startling me. 'Narcissist' I thought to myself.

" I-I'm not mesmerized with your beauty. I-It's not that eye-catching." I speak while stuttering. Of course I was lying. His beauty was no less than those high-rated models. If he wasn't into business, he can surely be a model. Listening to my white lie, his lips pulled up from the corner of his mouth.

" Did you sleep well last night?" he asked me.

" A little. I was a little tired yesterday and still feels a little sleepy." I said the truth. I was still feeling a little sleepy.

" Then sleep." he said and slowly opened his eyes.

" But I don't want to." I said. I don't want to waste my time on an airplane sleeping. What if I don't get another chance.

" I am saying this because maybe you won't get a chance to sleep tonight." he said in a calm tone. W-What did he mean by that? My thoughts started to get dirtier and dirtier.

" Take a break from your perverted mind." he said and I flushed red.

" My mind isn't perverted." I said feeling embarrassed. Why I'm so embarrassed whenever I am with him.

" Then sleep. What I mean was that after landing me are going straight to the meeting and at night there's a party." he said again closing his eyes.

" WHAT!!" the word left my mouth quite loudly before I could stop it. I saw few people gaze turning towards us. I gave them all an apologetic look. I lowered my voice and then continued to talk to him.

" Why didn't you tell me earlier? I have not brought a suitable dress for that." I said being shocked.

" Don't worry about that. And also don't disturb me again while I'm sleeping." he said leaving me speechless. I will buy a new dress when I will reach France. I checked my account balance. I didn't have much money but maybe I could manage to buy a dress that will be a little cheap and elegant. With that, I also went to sleep.

After I don't know how many hours, I felt that someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and it took me several seconds to remember why and where I am right now. I rubbed my eyes and saw Alex waking me up.

" The plane is going to land. Get up now." Alex said when he realized that I was awake now. I just hummed in response. I went to the restroom and washed my face to look fresh. After about fifteen minutes the plane landed. We both took our luggage and left the airport. There was a driver already waiting for us. He took our luggage from our hands and put it inside the car's back. I and Alex sat on the backseat and the driver drove us to the hotel where we were going to stay these days.

As we entered inside the hotel's campus, my eyes glimmered by watching the beauty. Big gardens were stretched till my eyes could see. Lots and variety of flowers blooming and on the middle of it was a water-fountain. It was like a wonderland. After some time our taxi stopped and we got out of it. We were standing in front of the hotel's building.

" Let's head inside." Alex spoke from behind and I nodded my head. Alex went ahead and I was walking behind him. We went to the reception.

" Good Mr. Wilson and madam." the lady in the reception bowed with a sweet smile.

" Good morning." Alex also greeted her and she gave a key to him. He started walking and I hurriedly joined him.

" Don't we need to show our identity to book a room?" I questioned him due to curiosity.

" This is my hotel and I have one personal presidential suite here." he said with a straight face and I looked at him with shocked eyes. He even has a hotel in France. God knows how rich he is!

We both went to the elevator and he pressed the second-top floor button. The elevator door opened and there was only one door on the floor. Alex went ahead and opened the door with the key given by the lady in reception. As we went inside I saw our luggage was there already. There was a big drawing-room, two bedrooms with a bathroom attached to it, a kitchen and a balcony that was as spacious as my room. I was observing everything when Alex suddenly spoke,

" Get freshen up. The meeting is going to start within half an hour. That is your room." he said and pointed to one of the rooms.

" Okay." I said and dragged my luggage to my room.