
As I entered the room, I put my luggage inside the cabinet. The room was quite big and very well-furnished. There was a queen's sized bed with lamps on either side. There was also a big floor-to-ceiling window on one of the wall and a couch in front of it.

As Alex said that we have got only half an hour, I didn't waste my time admiring the room and the view outside the window. I went to bathroom to get refreshed. After washing my face, I just changed my dress to a black pencil skirt and a white shirt with a black blazer. I put some light makeup and re-did my hair into a ponytail . I was ready within twenty minutes. I gathered all the materials needed for the meeting and rechecked it to make sure that I have taken all the necessary files with me. Once I was done checking, I headed outside the room.

As I went outside, I saw Alex sitting on the couch in the drawing room and doing something on his phone. When I entered the drawing, Alex gaze left his phone and meet mine .

" You ready?" Alex asked me.

" Yes, sir." I replied.

" Good. Let's go. Meeting is going to start soon." he said and started walking. I was walking behind him. We left our room and by elevator we went to the top floor. It was made of glass and by looking at the atmosphere anyone can tell that it was made for holding meetings and conferences.

The room was filled with many people sitting on their respective seats . Only four seats were empty among which two of it was for us.

" Go and put your papers and data on the desk beside the head's seat quickly." Alex spoke and continued ~ "After that come and stand beside me."

" Yes sir." I responded and hurriedly put all the belongs on the desk. After putting it all on the desk, I went and stood beside him. Soon after several minutes of standing there, a couple came. Both were looking in their late thirties and were wearing formal attires. They must be the other party of this meeting for whom we were waiting.

As they came both me and Alex bowed his head to them and so did I. After that Alex spoke to them,

" Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Wilson." and shook his hand with both of them respectively. 'Are they both related to him?' I asked to myself. Who knows. Now I only need to concentrate on the meeting.

The meeting went smoothly straight for three hours . I was quite nervous at the start but later it went all well. Alex kept on giving me encouraging look that enhanced my confidence. I represented my data and explained everything to them. After explaining I looked at Alex's satisfied face, that means I did quite a good job.

As we were leaving the meeting room Alex spoke to me,

" You did a good job today. I'm impressed."

As he said, I smiled ear to ear and thanked him. Experiencing praise on your work is surely a thing to be proud of.

We reached our hotel room and sat on the couch in the drawing room. My hands were still cold from nervousness.

" Here, drink some water." Alex said to me, giving me a glass of water.

" Thanks." I said and excepted the glass of water from him. Well, I was feeling thirsty and my voice was also hoarse due to speaking continuously for three hours. I drank the water and then went to my room. I have to go now to buy my dress for the party tonight.

I changed my dress into a black jeans and a white top with string knot up to down. I walked back towards the drawing room to see that Alex was still busy on this phone. I would have to inform him about me going to shop.

" Sir." I said to get his attention.

" Call me Alex when we are not working." he said without turning towards me and continued to stare at his phone.

" Okay. Alex. I need~" I was going to speak about shopping when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Alex looked towards me and then stood up to open the door. I also went up to see who has come now. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were standing on the door. Alex greeted them in, closing the door behind him. I bowed to them.

" Why are you here, Mr. Wilson?" Alex asked him the question whose answer I also wanted to know.

" At least call us mom and dad, you stupid brat." Mr. Wilson said and I was shocked as well as suppressing my laugh. I was shocked to know that Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are Alex's parents and was laughing internally as I was heard someone insulting Alex for the first time. Well, I thought that maybe they could have a relation between them when I heard that they share the same surnames, but I wasn't expecting that they would be his Mom and Dad. They looked quite young to be Alex's parents.

" I'm sorry, Dad. Now tell me why are you here?" Alex again said and took a seat on the couch, later followed by his parents. I was standing at the end of the couch.

Now , it was Mrs. Wilson's time to speak .

" Didn't you say last time that you will bring yourself a girlfriend when we will meet you next time." I was feeling like an intruder listening to their family business but what Alex said next made my eyes go wide.

" Of course I said that. Here. She is my lover as well as my personal assistant, Anna Evans." He completed his sentence and looked towards me. I had no idea what was going on nor did I have idea what should I do now. Alex came to me , grasped my hand and whispered in my ear, "Just play along with me now. I'll explain to you later."

We walked towards the couch and made me sit beside him. He put his hand around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

" H-Hello uncle and aunt." I greeted awkwardly. How can I play to be a fake girlfriend suddenly?! I just prayed to god that this moment end quickly as tension was building inside me and giving me cold sweats.