Difference Between The Situation

I felt nauseous just hearing the fish's name, but I didn't let it show on my face. I nodded my head and started chopping vegetables. After a few minutes when I was done chopping the vegetables, I looked at grandma. She was putting the rice in the cooker.

" I will cut the fish. You go and get the meat from the fridge." Grandma said and I nodded my head. Working with grandma was giving me cold sweats all over my body. My legs were shaking due to the heavy pressure of her presence. It was like all the air has been sucked out from this room.

I walked towards where the fridge was and took out the fresh meat. I went back to the kitchen and saw grandma wasn't there. I started to cut it when I smelled an unpleasant smell. I looked up and saw grandma has entered the kitchen with a big fish in her hands.