Magic In Your Hands

" Where is Zeus?" I asked Alex in between our meal. I didn't see Zeus since he left with Alex for a walk as per Grandma's instruction.

" He should be with Grandma." he replied and I nodded my head.

We both ate our lunch together in the room and after that, we chatted with Grandma about our marriage. The ceremony would be held in this ancestral house only with a few relatives and friends from both sides. Later a party will be thrown inviting all the formal guests as well as news reporters. The sun was down the horizon now. When Alex made sure for the hundredth time that I was feeling well now, we left the ancestral house, bidding farewell to Grandma to go back to our house. It was 6 p.m. till we reached our house. Alex parked the car and we all entered the house, Zeus walking beside me. We all sat on the couch in the hall.

" Want to eat dinner?" Alex asked me and I shook my head.