List Of Guests

Alex informed me and I slightly nodded my head. I can't believe that the sister with whom I grew up, is going to jail. Though she doesn't love me, still I feel a little sorry for her. Maybe because the blood in my veins and hers is from the same father, that's why my heart is saying to meet her once.

" Can I go to see her?" I asked him. Even if Sophia doesn't regard me as her sister, I can't forget the memories which we shared. 

" Why do you want to see her? I can't agree with you. What if she tries to harm you again?" Alex asked me with concerned eyes.

" Please, Alex. I know you are worried about me. I promise you. It will be the last time." I pleaded to him.

" Ok. But I will come with you." he said, finally agreeing to my words.

" Thanks." I said and hugged him tightly.