What's Already Mine

I want my Dad to come and see me as a bride. I wish that he could come and give me his blessings on the occasion of my and Alex's wedding. Even if I said that we won't be related on that day, but still I'm his daughter. He would at least love me because the blood flowing in my veins is also his. Mrs.Wilson looked at me and patted my shoulder. She wrote the name of my Dad on the list.

" It's prepared. I will give the orders for the cards today." she said and stood up. "Go and wake Alex up. The breakfast is almost ready." she said and I nodded my head. I walked upstairs, toward the room. I opened the door and saw Alex's sleeping face. I smiled and walked up to him. I leaned towards him.

" Alex." I said slowly, caressing his hair. He hummed in half-sleep.

" Wake up. The breakfast is ready." I said to him and he nodded. Before I could straighten my back, Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him so that I was trapped in his arms.