Keep A Distance

( Penelope's POV )

Hours passed by but my eyes were still wide open. I started to feel thirsty now. I checked the time on my phone. Fifteen minutes were left for a new day to start. I got up from the bed and was walking towards the kitchen when I stood outside the room where Graham was currently staying. The door wasn't locked. 

' I can just peek at him. He won't know anything.' I thought to myself and turned the knob to slowly open the door. I opened the door slightly to look at the bed but Graham wasn't there. I opened it more and more and soon it was fully opened but I couldn't see Graham anywhere in the room. I entered inside and saw that the bed was wet.

' Did Graham pee here?' I questioned myself.

" What are you doing here?" someone whispered near my ear and I quickly turned around.

" Why aren't you sleeping?" I asked Graham who was standing in front of me.

" I felt thirsty so I went to the kitchen to drink some water." he answered.