Getting Destroyed

( Anna's POV )

We were now living in Grandma's house. Mr. Wilson had arrived here yesterday and servants of the house kept going back and forth around the mansion. Everyone was busy because of my and Alex's wedding which will be the day after tomorrow. I was now feeling nervous. Both of us were on break from work. Kelvin was also on a break and was here only, but he often goes to the company if anything is needed. Kelvin said that it would be good for Kelly's protection to be with us, so she was also here.

" Anna! I can't believe that you are getting married! It's like a dream." Kelly exclaimed squeezing my hands tightly. 

" Yeah. I also can't believe that I am getting married." I said smiling at her. "How are you and Kelvin doing?" I asked her and she blushed.

" We are fine." she said, her cheeks turning redder.