The First Step To Your Happiness

Mr.Wilson handed me a black box and I opened it. There was a car key in it.

" It's only for you. I have already given my daughter to him at the wedding." Mr.Wilson said laughing. I stood up and hugged him.

" Thank you, Dad. For everything." I said to him. I pulled back from the hug and Mr.Wilson patted my head.

" It's my pleasure." he said with a smile. I am thankful to Alex. Only because of him I have known what living in a loving family feels like. I looked at Alex and he smiled looking at me. I smiled back.

Next came a servant with a big box in his hands. On the top of the box was written 'Grandma' in golden letters. I opened the box. It contained baby dresses and toys. 

" Thank you, Grandma." me and Alex thanked her. 

" Now it's my turn." Elder Grandma said and came forward. She gave us two packets. "This is for you and Alex from us."

" Thanks, Elder Grandma and Elder Grandpa." I said and was going to open it when she stopped me.