The Amount Of Love I have For You

On the wooden block "PRESIDENT ANNABELL WILSON" was written in bold white letters. I blinked several times to make myself sure that I was not daydreaming. I looked at Alex in utter surprise. He was looking at me, waiting for my reaction.

" This isn't true. It's not real." I said looking at him. I still couldn't believe, what I was seeing is true.

" It's true. It's all true. You are now the President of RMG. It's my gift to you on our marriage." Alex said and took steps closer to me. 

" No. I'm not that capable of being a President." I said to him. Has he gone mad in love? How can he give me such a big responsibility just because I am his wife?

" Don't say that. You are the most capable person to fit in this position. Not as a husband but as your boss too, I think what decision I have made is the best." Alex said and took me in his arms.

" This is a very big responsibility." I mumbled. I don't know if I am worthy of this position.