Ask Whatever You Wanna Ask

I finally stopped crying after a few minutes. My chest felt lighter now. I looked at Mrs.Wilson.

" I'm sorry that you have to see me like this. I came here to see you but instead started crying in front of you." I apologized to her.

" Don't say that. I feel happy that you take me as a close friend from whom you can share your feelings." she said and again hugged me.

" Thank you, Mom." I said to her.

" For what?" she asked me pulling away from the hug.

" For everything. Only because of you I have come to know how a mother loves her child. If you weren't here for me, I don't think that I would have ever gotten a mother's love." I said to her and held her hands.

" Oh. You are praising me too much." she said.

" But it's true. By the way, how's your health? Are you feeling better?" I asked her when I remembered my motive for coming here.

" Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little headache and tired." she said to me.