When You Are In Heaven

We finished our breakfast and left the hotel at noon. We all sat back in the car and drove back to the mansion. Penelope and Graham left and went to their homes. I and Alex went to our mansion while Mr.Wilson, Mrs.Wilson, and Grandma went to the old mansion.

We reached the mansion and Aunt Zhao opened the gate for us. We entered inside and I plopped myself on the couch.

" Are you tired?" Alex asked me and came to sit beside me. I shook my head in response.

" It feels so nice to come back home." I said and took a deep breath.

" Sure it does." Alex said and moved closer to me. He was going to kiss me when I stopped him.

" Not here. Aunt Zhao can come here any minute." I said to him. Aunt Zhao had gone towards the kitchen to prepare lunch for us. 

" Then let's go to our room." Alex said and stood up leaving me in surprise.

" Not now. It's still day." I said to him and he took me in his arms.