She Saw A Lizard

( Graham's POV )

I was looking at sleeping Penelope straight for two hours since Anna and Alex left the ward. I know what Anna said was one hundred percent right. Even Alex told me not to hurt Penelope in the club. He said me to calm down and I f**king got drunk. I don't know what got inside me and before I could control myself, I said hurtful things to Penelope. I knew. I knew very well that what I was going to say will result in bad but my sh*tty mind just didn't listen to me. 

I was cursing myself inside my head when I saw Penelope's eyes flickering. When she opened her eyes, her gaze fall on me. I didn't know what to do so I just sit there silently. She left her gaze from me and looked at her surrounding. She tried to sit up so I helped her by placing the pillow behind her back.

" Why am I in the hospital?" she asked me.

" Well, you were unconscious and someone brought you here." I answered her. She was silent for a moment and then again asked.