Let's Start From The Beginning

( Graham's POV )

" A lizard?" she asked me and I hummed in response.

" I'll give her the phone in a minute. Please wait." I said to her and ended the call. I wouldn't be able to lie again if she asks me something. I leaned on the door of the ward and again my brain had only the thoughts of her. What a godly figure God has given her! Wish that I could have stayed there for a longer time.

I was thinking myself when suddenly the ward's door opened. As I was leaning on the door, due to the sudden opening of the door, I was going to fall on my back. As soon as I felt that I was going to fall, I turned my body when I realized that below me is Penelope, and we both were going to fall. I pulled her closer to me and again turned my body so that she couldn't hurt herself. We both finally hit the ground, me below and she above me.

" Are you alright?" I asked her. She lifted her body a little and nodded her head.