Sense Of Security

( Penelope's POV )

For the rest of the day we just chilled, lying on the bed and talking to each other. It was good that Graham bought me a hoodie. I could move freely now without caring about showing my upper body. The time of night arrived and we both were still laying on the bed, turned to face each other.

" Tomorrow, my father will have a liver transplant. I think I'm getting nervous." I said to Graham. 

" Don't worry. Everything will be fine." he said and held my hand. I nodded my head in hope that everything goes well tomorrow. 

" We will leave for Capital tomorrow morning. I have booked flight tickets for us." I said.

" Why did you do it? I could have done that." he said, again making an irritated face.

" Don't be like this. It was just flight tickets." I said and hugged him.

" Ok, I won't be angry. Let's sleep first. You must be tired." he said and I shook my head.