Together Forever

( Penelope's POV )

We all were waiting outside the operating room for almost nine hours now and still the light above the operation room was red. I asked Mom to eat something but she refused. I could understand her situation but being hungry for a long time can affect Mom's body also. 

" Let me have a try." Graham said to me when I failed to pursue my Mom for the third time. I nodded my head and stood up to let Graham talk to her. I went near the operating room, and though I couldn't see or hear anything that was going on inside, I just hope everything goes well. 

I was standing there when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. I turned around to see that it was Graham.

" Let's go and buy some fruits. Your Mom agreed to have some of them." he said and I looked at him with surprise.

" How did you pursue her?" I asked him as we both started to walk out of the hospital. 

" Mom listens to me." he said with a wink and I rolled my eyes.