First Day At The Company

( Anna's POV )

I woke up early in the morning and freshened up. Today was my first day in RMG. I wore a white shirt, black pants, and a black coat. Alex took the bath after me. We both ate breakfast and Jordan came when we were done eating. Alex said that he will first drop me at RMG so I and Alex sat in the backseat of Alex's car and Jordan took the driver's seat. Yesterday, I got a call from Penelope about applying leave for her. I told her that I will be joining RMG from today. She was happy and congratulated me. 

When we reached the company, we all got off the car and headed inside. All the staff was standing at the entrance to welcome me on my first day and the manager of the company, Mr. Shen, gave me a bouquet. 

" Thank you, Alex." I said to Alex when we reached my cabin. I put the flower bouquet on the table and turned to face Alex. 

" You're welcome, darling." he said and I blushed since there was also Jordan in the room.