Never Ending Love

" Here are the design drafts that the design department has submitted." Kelly said and handed me the files. I opened the file and looked at the designs. 

" I'll finalize the top ten designs from these and by voting, we will select our top product of this launch." I said and everyone nodded their heads.

" What about the model? The photoshoot for the collection should be completed before the launch." I said to the manager.

" I talked with Ms. Levina, the top model in the industry. She refused, saying that she is too busy." Mr. Shen said.

" Then change the model." I said.

" But she is a top model. I'm trying that she will accept the proposal." he said.

" Mr. Shen, time is very important. We can't wait for someone who is not willing to work for us. Shooting will take time. Change the model. That's final." I said and he nodded his head.