Innocent Guy

When I reached Alfie's room, I knocked on the door. 

" I'm coming inside." I said and turned on the knob. 

" What are you doing?" I asked Alfie when I saw that he didn't notice that I entered his room. He was sitting on a chair in front of the window with a drawing board in front of him. He had a color plate in one of his hands and the other was busy drawing.

When he heard my voice, he turned around to look at me.

" Mommy, you're back? Sorry, I didn't notice you." he said and I smiled at him.

" It's okay. What are you drawing?" I asked him and walked to stand behind him. My eyes went wide on seeing the drawing that he had drawn on the board. Though it wasn't completed, I can guess by looking at the outline that it was mine and Alex's drawing.

" Are you drawing Mommy and Daddy?" I asked him in awe.

" Yeah, but I haven't completed it yet. I was planning to gift it to you both once I have completed it." he said and I hugged him.