I Like You

I was checking my papers when there was a knock on the door. I looked up two see that there were two staff, a man and a woman. I remembered them. They were Michael and Shirley, who were appointed to talk with a model for our company. 

" Come in." I said to both of them and they stepped inside. Jordan stood up from his seat and again stood behind me.

" Good morning, ma'am." both of them greeted me.

" Good morning." I said to them.

" Here is the detail of the model that we went to talk with." the man named Michael said and handed me a file. I opened the file and looked at the photo of the model. Of course, she was beautiful and had experience in this field for five years. 

" Did she sign the contract?" I asked them. 

" No. Not yet. She said that she will be free tomorrow so we will have to bring the contact to her tomorrow." Shirley said.

" Okay. I'll be waiting for the good news then." I said and both of them nodded.