Help Your Mom Find A Dad

We all entered the shop and the attendant welcomed us. 

" What would you like to see, ma'am?" the female attendant asked me politely. 

" Kid's wear in his size." I said to her and pointed at Alfie.

" This way, please." she said and led us to the kid's section. 

" These are the new collections that arrived today." she said and I nodded my head. Many kid's dresses, all in the size of Alfie, were hung on the display. I picked up the red and white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. 

" This will look good on him, right?" I turned around and asked Alex. He nodded his head with a smile.

" My wife's choice is the best." he said and I shyly blushed. 

" Come on, Alfie. Try it on." I said to Alfie and went towards the trial room with him. I gave him the clothes.

" Tell me if you need any help." I said to him and he nodded his head. He entered the trial room while I waited for him outside.