Lame Punishment

( Anna's POV )

I was back-hugged by Alex inside the hot water bathtub. I had closed my eyes and was leaning on Alex's shoulder while enjoying the bath with him. His hands were around my waist, holding me securely in his arms as his warmth seeped into my body. I was feeling bliss when I felt Alex's lips lowering on my neck brushing it against my nape. Then he sucked on that oh-so-sensitive spot below my ear which made me shiver in delight and a giggle escaped my lips.

" You liked it, baby?" Alex asked nuzzling his head into my neck which made me feel ticklish.

" I like everything you do, baby." I said smiling and loving this playful moment of ours.

" Everything? Are you sure about that?" he asked, smirking.

" Hmm...pretty much everything." I replied to him after thinking a little. His hands that were holding my waists, unclasped and slipped down to my inner thighs, rubbing slowly over there, and unknowingly a moan escaped my lips.