At Your Service, Madam

The car finally stopped and we both got off the car. I looked at the tall building in front of me. The building was looking ancient but well maintained. It was a western castle made up of white marble. The big and magnificent building was guarded by force, all standing in a queue with their hands armed. I was admiring the surrounding when I felt someone hold my hand. I looked beside me and found Alex smiling at me.

" Where are we?" I asked him.

" You will get to know once we get inside." he said and we both started to walk. When we reached the entrance, the leader of the troop saluted Alex.

" Mr.Wilson. Pleasure to see you." he said and shook hands with him.

" Pleasure to meet you too, Mr.Fischer." Alex said to him. "She's my wife, Annabell Evans. Anna, he is German army general, Mr. Ryker Fischer." Alex introduced us.

" Hello, Mr. Fischer." I greeted him with a bow.