Eternity Love

" This is," Mr. Charles continued, - "the Blue Pearls. Two centuries ago, A fisherman caught a fish and these pearls were found inside its body. The fisherman told this story to everyone in his region and when this news went to the king, he called the man to present in the King's court. At the same time, King's youngest queen was severely sick and on verge of dying. She requested the king to let her see the rare blue pearls as her last wish. When the fisherman brought the pearls to the court and the youngest queen took them in her hands, they started to glow luminously. She collapsed while seeing the pearls and woke up after an hour, all fit and fine, not even a glint that she was on her death bed a few moments ago. The King was so happy and he gifted the fisherman his half property." Mr. Charles stopped and then continued,