The World Of Heaven

Alex came out of the room with a box in his hand. He walked closer to me and handed me the box.

" What is it?" I asked him curiously.

" Open it." he said. My curious fingers unwrapped the box and took out the gift that Alex had prepared for me. 

It was a photo frame. I closely looked at the woman in the photo. 

The woman's brown hair was down, shining brightly under the sun just like her sun-kissed face. Her brown eyes were looking at the camera and a big smile was plastered on her face. Looking at the background of the photo, one can tell that it was fall season. My pupil gradually got bigger and bigger when I realized who was that woman in the photo.

" I-It's my M-Mom." I mumbled and lifted my hand to touch the photo oh-so-delicately. I only had one photo of my mom with me since I never saw any other besides that one. 

" Where did you find it?" I asked Alex, lifting my eyes from the photo frame to Alex.