Birthday Invitation

" Let's celebrate this moment. Let's go to a restaurant, the meal is on me." Alex said but I refused.

" If you like, you can go. I and Penelope already have plans for today's lunch." I said to him remembering our plan of meeting with Kelly and Model in the restaurant, Bon Voyage Hunger. "And we need to leave soon. We need to reach there by one o'clock." I added looking at the time on the wall clock.

" Then I'll drop you there." Alex said when Penelope said.

" No need. I came here by car. I'll take Anna." She said and Alex sighed.

" Ok then. It means that I won't have you beside me for hours." Alex said making a puppy face.

" Don't say it so sadly. I'm just going for lunch. Anyway, today I am on vacation so we can stay at home all you want." I said to him when he leaned toward me. He was going to kiss my lips when I turned my head shyly. I looked at Kelvin and Penelope sitting in front of us. I gave them an awkward smile.