Birthday Gift

( Kelly's POV )

" Ooo! See our princess!" Anna commented as I put the shining crown on my head.

" Hey! Stop it. I'm already very shy." I said to her, blushing pink.

" Don't tease her sister-in-law. See, she is already pink from head to toe." Alberlee added her comment and they all laughed.

" Haven't you laughed enough for today? Save some for tomorrow." I said to them and earned another round of laughter from them.

" Today, I bet Kelvin wouldn't be able to take his eyes off you." Penelope commented and my cheeks turned the darkest shade of pink.

" Can you please not tease me? It's my special day after all." I said to them making a cute pout.

" Aww! Our little princess is being shy now." Anna said when the door of my room opened. Aaliyah was standing at the door.

" All the guests have arrived. It's time to cut the cake." Aaliyah notified us and I nodded my head.