( Anna's POV )

I sat on the chair of my cabin, panting since I was tired of walking from where the interview of assistants was held to here. I was wiping the sweat that had formed on my forehead when Jordan passed me a glass of water.

" I told you that you don't need to come today. You should have listened to me. I could have handled it." Jordan said like a big brother, complaining since I didn't listen to him and came to work today while I'm eight months pregnant and have a huge big belly.

" I know that you could have handled it. I thought since you won't be coming to the company from tomorrow, I should see you." I said to him. He is returning to his mafia job since there has been a revelation on DragonRoars. With the help of police, they confirmed that Kelly's Uncle's death has something to do with DragonRoars.